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Meet students from the 11th grade at The MacDuffie School, a day and international college preparatory school in Granby, as they read illustrated children’s books they wrote.  Each book is inspired by a historical figure/writer they studied in class, designed for ages 4-9, and about modern-day issues.

From 9:00 am to 9:30 am:  Cocoa, The Panda, written by Checie Li, Kaylen Mahdi and Celine Wang.  Inspired by the American naturalist and poet Henry David Thoreau. The story talks about the panda as an endangered species in Asia.

From 9:30-10:00 am:  You and I, We, written by Jade Hong and Amy Hwang. Inspired by Frederick Douglass, the former slave who became an abolitionist, journalist, and civil rights activist.  The story is about bullying; how children can learn to recognize it and be allies against it.

From 10:00am to 10:30m:  Parity, written by Aniis Anderson and Jane Lyu.  Inspired by Harriet Jacobs, the former slave who escaped bondage and wrote her own autobiography about her struggle for freedom and citizenship.  The story is about gender inequality and how girls can empower themselves to be respected and treated fairly.

Registration suggested.  Please use side entrance and come downstairs to the Children’s Activities Room.


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