Book Discussion Groups – Adults

For general book club inquiries, reach out at our library email, otherwise please email the listed contact.  To see our other upcoming events, please visit our events calendar.

Clapp Critics

Our fiction book club, Clapp Critics meets every 4th Monday of the Month at 6PM. Email with any questions.

Wednesday Whodunnits

Our “Mystery” Book Group is held on the second Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m.  Join us as we discuss a different mystery novel each month.   If you are interested please leave your name and phone number at the circulation desk, or email  Thank you!

Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Club

A monthly book club for lovers of high fantasy, hard science fiction, fable, far future, and all of the speculative fiction options.

Meets at 6PM on the 4th Tuesday of the month via Google Meet.  Copies of the monthly pick will be available at the Circulation Desk in advance of the meeting.  Email with any questions.

What “YA” Readin’? Book Group

Raved about The Hunger Games? Still not over Twilight? Just want to know what teens are reading these days?  This monthly book discussion group is for individuals 18+ who read Young Adult books. Visit the library to pick up a copy of the book!  Email with any questions.