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Event Series Event Series: Artober 2021

Daily art prompts all through October.

Artober is here! Artober is a month-long program that encourages artists of all levels to create something once a day in the medium of your choice during the month of October based on our daily art prompts.

Share your art on Instagram/Facebook with the hashtag #cmlartober2021 and tagging us @clapplibrary.  You can also email us at [email protected] and we’ll share your creations!

Looking for more inspiration?  Don’t forget to check out CreativeBug for projects and classes.

"Prompt List 1. Leaves 2. Bats 3. Magic 4. Home 5. Farm 6. Goblin 7. Pumpkin 8. Cat 9. Spellbook 10. Clock 11. Tree 12. Amulet 13. Library 14. Mask 15. Shadows 16. Werewolf 17. Potion 18. Apples 19. Frog 20. Music 21. Candle 22. Mermaid 23. Fall 24. Science 25. Ghost 26. Owl 27. Scarecrow 28. Candy 29. Stars 30. Haunted 31. Trick or Treatimage: decorative only, text in body

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