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Grow your own cuppa with your very own fresh tea garden! Host Lindsey Baird of Oak & Ash Farm has been growing and experimenting with her own herb and tea gardens since she was a kid and wants you to learn how fun it can be. Learn to think outside the box of the basic culinary herb garden and grow your own herbal teas for enjoying fresh or dried. Lindsey will go over the multitude of plants you can grow to add to your blend, and you’ll leave with a bouquet of fresh herbal tea to enjoy at home while you plan your own garden.

Attendees will go home with a list of plants to try growing, a basic tea garden plan and a small bouquet of fresh tea to make at home (enough for one pot of tea).

Registration required, sign up here: https://forms.gle/sii24NkG4FfHRiNH9

This program is made possible by the Friends of the Clapp Memorial Library.

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