(413) 323­-0417 | P. O. Box 627 | 19 South Main Street | Belchertown, MA 01007-0627
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Event Series Event Series: Ukulele Play Along (Virtual Event)

Strum along with the Ukulele Play Along on the first Monday every month!

Grab your ukulele and play along – because playing your ukulele is more fun when you do it with others. We’ll be focusing on 3 and 4 chord songs, with lyrics and chords provided on screen. Participants will be muted, so don’t worry about how you sound!

To join, email Julie Stepanek (julie@musicjulie.com) for the Zoom link and to receive the songs for the program. Don’t have a Ukulele? Don’t worry – you can borrow one from us!

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