Design and Construction of Windsor Chairs

Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, Belchertown, MA, United States

Join Patrick Perkins as he shares his knowledge and experience designing and building Windsor chairs. Topics include types of woods and antique-style tools used, how logged wood is fashioned into finished chair parts, and combining milk paint and oil for a durable finish. Patrick Perkins built his first Windsor chair in the early 1980s. He [...]

World’s Worst Weather

Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, Belchertown, MA, United States

Bitter cold, dense fog, heavy snow, and record winds: Mount Washington is known worldwide for its unpredictable and dangerous weather. For a mountain its size, why is Mt. Washington called the “Home of the World’s Worst Weather”? Join Mount Washington Observatory's Will Broussard for an investigation into the unique life and work of weather observers [...]

Spooky Stories and Flashlight Scavenger Hunt

Chestnut Hill Community School 59 State St, Belchertown, MA, United States

Join Gardener, Debra Lapointe and Head of Youth Services at the Clapp Memorial Library, Jennifer Whitehead for an evening of creepy stories and a dark scavenger hunt through the gardens. Costumes welcome, come dressed for the weather and bring your own flashlight. Geared toward brave children ages 5 to 9 and their families. Stories start [...]

Welcome to the Graveyard!

Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, Belchertown, MA, United States

This 90 minute ‘virtual tour’ chronicles New England cemetery art, history, and symbolism, from colonial burial grounds, through the rural cemetery movement of the 19th century and into 21st-century locations. Why do we have cemeteries and gravestones? Why they look the way they do? How have styles and art evolved over 400 years? The Gravestone Girls scoured Belchertown’s graveyards, [...]

Event Series Teen Write Night!

Teen Write Night!

Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, Belchertown, MA, United States

Calling all young writers, poets, playwrights, and novelists! Once again the Clapp Memorial Library is opening its doors to young and aspiring writers during National Novel Writing Month.  The library will host a weekly writing program for teens in grades 7-12 throughout the month of November. The program, held mostly on Monday nights, is a [...]

Event Series Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Relief

Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Relief

Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, Belchertown, MA, United States

Clapp Memorial Library is offering an eight-week Stress Reduction Awareness course led by Magda Bechar, starting on Monday, October 21st. Mindfulness meditation skills teach us to be fully present in the moment and, when practiced regularly, helps decrease stress levels and improve general well-being and health. Skills covered in the course are gentle and free [...]

Event Series Lunch with Libby

Lunch with Libby

Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, Belchertown, MA, United States

Did you get a new device or want to do more with the one you already have? Drop on by to learn how to use Libby to access library ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines! Our Technology Librarian, Tegan, will be hosting drop-in sessions from noon to 1 on the first Tuesday of every month. Can’t [...]

Birds of the Quabbin Reservoir

Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, Belchertown, MA, United States

Treat yourself to an unforgettable slideshow as Peter Christoph shares his experiences looking for wildlife, by land and by boat, at the beautiful and pristine Quabbin Reservoir. A rich diversity of birds call the Quabbin their home, the main attraction being the common loon and their babies that nest here. Learn about the creation of [...]

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