Strategic Plan

In 2024, the Library Director and Trustees of the Clapp Memorial Library began the planning process for developing the Library’s next Strategic Plan.

The planning process is part of our ongoing commitment of service to the community. Our aim is to identify and review community needs for library services, to evaluate present services and facilities in relation to these needs, and to identify improvements and new services that will fill
those community needs.

To engage with our community, the Library held a community forum, two community focus groups, a Trustee focus group and an all-staff meeting. We also distributed a survey to garner further input. As a result of these engagement activities, the Library identified five key priorities focused on supported wider and deeper community impact over the next five years. The Clapp Memorial Library Strategic Plan FY2026-FY2030 was adopted by the Board of Trustees at their meeting on September 4, 2024. Click here to download the complete 2026 Strategic Plan in pdf format.

Strategic Priorities for FY2026-FY2030

I. Champion Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity for All Library Users

  • Connect all patrons regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality, religion, or abilities to services, resources, programs, and technology that are convenient, relevant, reliable, and accessible.
  • Ensure collections are diverse, inclusive, and available in formats that are accessible to our patrons.
  • Expand availability and accessibility of programs, services, and reading materials for all age groups, backgrounds, and abilities.

II. Foster Community Engagement and Partnerships

  • Strengthen partnerships with local schools, cultural groups, and community organizations to further position the library as a central hub for civic engagement.
  • Support local artists, creators, performers, and cultural practitioners by providing opportunities to enhance community involvement.
  • Extend the library’s reach and visibility throughout the community.

III. Curate Educational, Cultural, and Recreational Programming

  • Execute a variety of programs that are reflective of and responsive to the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of our community.
  • Collaborate with community leaders and local organizations to tailor programs to the interests and needs of different community demographics.
  • Implement inclusive programs for diverse age groups, backgrounds, and abilities.

IV. Enhance Technological Infrastructure and Digital Access

  • Broaden digital resources, including educational tools, and implement technology to enhance the patron experience and ease of use.
  • Advance equitable access to technology for all community members.
  • Ensure the library’s digital presence is user-friendly, accessible, and provides information and resources for all users.

V. Improve Accessibility and Space Utilization

  • Address accessibility issues by improving navigation into and throughout the building.
  • Explore and implement changes to existing library spaces in response to community needs, including developing more sensory-aware environments.
  • Identify ways to streamline services within the existing building footprint.

Older Documents: 2019 Long Range Plan (PDF)