Teen Instagram

Follow us on Instagram @clapplibrarytab for the inside scoop on what’s happening at the library!

Teen Facebook Page

Follow us on Facebook for the inside scoop on what’s happening at the library!

Teen Advisory Board (TAB)

The Clapp Memorial Library’s Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a group of 7th-12th grade students who meet monthly during the school year to propose library programming for teens, provide input on teen services, volunteer, and have fun. New members are welcome. Previous programs TAB has suggested include Teen Movie Nights, book clubs, Trivia Nights, and more! Visit the circulation desk or email clapplibrarytab@gmail.com for more information, to suggest a program, or to get the date of our next meeting.

Afterschool Adventures

Play D&D at the library!  The library regularly offers D&D and other roleplaying game campaigns afterschool and during the summer for teens.  We also lend a collection of game rule & campaign books.  Want to run a campaign?  We’re always looking for volunteer teen GMs!  Interested players & GMs should email tmannino@cwmars.org

image: a photo of a small chest filled with gaming dice on a game map.

Teen Crafternoons

The library regularly schedules crafternoons, or teen crafting programs, for students in grades 7-12 throughout the year. All materials are often provided, and the crafternoons are provided free of charge. In the past, the library has offered Metalworking, Bad Art Nights, Needle-felting, Upcycling, Tie-Dye, Painting classes, a Crochet/Knitting Club, and more. Please email clapplibrarytab@gmail.com to request to join our monthly teen email list and be aware of our upcoming programs as they are scheduled.

Teen WOWbrary

Wowbrary regularly tells you about your chosen public library’s newest books, movies and music – chosen especially for teens.

This service make it easy for you to browse through the latest additions and place a hold on a new title.

Teen Summer Reading Program

"teen srp 2024" above a drawing of a squirrel reading a book, all bounded by sunflowers

Read what you want and keep track of your reading through Beanstack website or app.

“Read, Renew, Repeat” with the Clapp Memorial Library Teen Summer Reading Program! Sign up and start reading, earn raffle tickets by time spent reading, attending teen programs, and completing bonus activities! Enter your tickets in the drawings of your choice all through Beanstack.

If you cannot take part online, please reach out to our Teen Services Coordinator, Ruthie Stirling at rsterling@cwmars.org or call 413-323-0417.

Junior Volunteers

The Junior Volunteer (JV) Program is sponsored by the Friends of Clapp Memorial Library. Students who will be entering 7th through 12th grade in the fall may apply for a position as a JV.

Students selected for the JV program will volunteer 12-16 hours throughout the summer. Volunteer tasks may include helping younger children with the summer reading program, at special library events under the supervision of the library’s staff, by using the copier and shelving books, by decorating, by acting as a “Reading Buddy” for younger children and/or by assisting at a story time/children’s activity, by sharing a special talent, and more.

Library Teens Are Creative

A group of teens got together and wrote a song called “Build a Better World.”  Click on the image to hear it!