Clapp Critics
Clapp Critics
Our fiction book club, Clapp Critics meets every 4th Monday of the Month. Email with any questions.
Our fiction book club, Clapp Critics meets every 4th Monday of the Month. Email with any questions.
A monthly book group for lovers of high fantasy, hard science fiction, fable, far future, and all of the speculative fiction options. We meet online via Google Meet. Upcoming reads: Cascade Failure / LM Sagas (3/25) Ink Blood Sister Scribe / Emma Törzs (4/22) Bindle Punk Bruja / Desideria Mesa (5/27) Persephone Station / Stina [...]
Strum along with the Ukulele Play Along on the first Monday every month! Grab your ukulele and play along - because playing your ukulele is more fun when you do it with others. We'll be focusing on 3 and 4 chord songs, with lyrics and chords provided on screen. Participants will be muted, so don't [...]
PROGRAM FULL The Clapp Memorial Library hosts a bi-weekly writing group for adults aged 18+. Whether you write romance, mystery, fantasy, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books, or screenplays, you’re welcome to join us! Come meet with other writers and share what you’ve been working on over the past month, work on your writing, and more. If [...]
Our Mystery Book Group is held on the second Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss a different mystery novel each month. Email with any questions.
Clapp Memorial Library is offering a Stress Reduction Awareness course. The eight-week introductory course starts on Thursday, March 13 at 7 PM and runs every Thursday through May 1. The course is designed to teach and practice mindfulness-based skills. Mindfulness meditation skills teach us to be fully present in the moment and, when practiced regularly, [...]
PROGRAM FULL The Clapp Memorial Library hosts a bi-weekly writing group for adults aged 18+. Whether you write romance, mystery, fantasy, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books, or screenplays, you’re welcome to join us! Come meet with other writers and share what you’ve been working on over the past month, work on your writing, and more. If [...]
Clapp Memorial Library is offering a Stress Reduction Awareness course. The eight-week introductory course starts on Thursday, March 13 at 7 PM and runs every Thursday through May 1. The course is designed to teach and practice mindfulness-based skills. Mindfulness meditation skills teach us to be fully present in the moment and, when practiced regularly, [...]
Jonathan Kranz offers an introduction to mushrooms: what they are, how they live, why they’re fascinating. The talk will cover the basics of fungal life with insights on foraging for food and avoiding toxins, with a special emphasis on common mushrooms you are likely to find in our neck of New England. This program is [...]
Our fiction book club, Clapp Critics meets every 4th Monday of the Month. Email with any questions.
A monthly book group for lovers of high fantasy, hard science fiction, fable, far future, and all of the speculative fiction options. We meet online via Google Meet. Upcoming reads: Cascade Failure / LM Sagas (3/25) Ink Blood Sister Scribe / Emma Törzs (4/22) Bindle Punk Bruja / Desideria Mesa (5/27) Persephone Station / Stina [...]
Clapp Memorial Library is offering a Stress Reduction Awareness course. The eight-week introductory course starts on Thursday, March 13 at 7 PM and runs every Thursday through May 1. The course is designed to teach and practice mindfulness-based skills. Mindfulness meditation skills teach us to be fully present in the moment and, when practiced regularly, [...]
PROGRAM FULL The Clapp Memorial Library hosts a bi-weekly writing group for adults aged 18+. Whether you write romance, mystery, fantasy, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books, or screenplays, you’re welcome to join us! Come meet with other writers and share what you’ve been working on over the past month, work on your writing, and more. If [...]
Clapp Memorial Library is offering a Stress Reduction Awareness course. The eight-week introductory course starts on Thursday, March 13 at 7 PM and runs every Thursday through May 1. The course is designed to teach and practice mindfulness-based skills. Mindfulness meditation skills teach us to be fully present in the moment and, when practiced regularly, [...]
The library's What "YA" Readin'? Book Group, a group for adults who read Young Adult books, will meet on Thursday, April 3rd at 7:00PM to discuss The Boy Lost in the Maze by Joseph Coelho. Copies of the book are available for checkout at the circulation desk. New members are welcome! We meet on the [...]