- Events
- Adult Events
- No events scheduled for April 27, 2025.
- No events scheduled for April 29, 2025.
- No events scheduled for April 30, 2025.
- No events scheduled for May 2, 2025.
Week of Events
Clapp Critics
Clapp Critics
Our fiction book club, Clapp Critics meets every 4th Monday of the Month. Email mmarszalek@cwmars.org with any questions.
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation
Clapp Memorial Library is offering a Stress Reduction Awareness course. The eight-week introductory course starts on Thursday, March 13 at 7 PM and runs every Thursday through May 1. The course is designed to teach and practice mindfulness-based skills. Mindfulness meditation skills teach us to be fully present in the moment and, when practiced regularly, [...]
What “YA” Readin’? Book Group
What “YA” Readin’? Book Group
The library's What "YA" Readin'? Book Group, a group for adults who read Young Adult books, will meet on Thursday, April 3rd at 7:00PM to discuss The Boy Lost in the Maze by Joseph Coelho. Copies of the book are available for checkout at the circulation desk. New members are welcome! We meet on the [...]
Creative Nature Photography
Creative Nature Photography
Learn how to capture beautiful images of nature in this series of photography workshops. Belchertown’s abundant natural resources offer limitless opportunities for creating amazing photos. Through these workshops, you’ll gain an understanding of photography fundamentals, and then go into the field to apply what you’ve learned. All levels of photographers are welcome, as are all [...]
Acres of Clams Documentary Screening
Acres of Clams Documentary Screening
On Saturday, May 3 at 2:30pm, the Clapp Memorial Library will host a screening of the documentary, Acres of Clams. Eric Wolfe’s Acres of Clams is a feature-length video history of the Clamshell Alliance’s direct-action campaign against the Seabrook nuclear plant in the 1970s. Acres of Clams combines archival film footage and music with the [...]