- Events
- Crafts
- No events scheduled for February 23, 2025.
- No events scheduled for February 24, 2025.
- No events scheduled for February 25, 2025.
- No events scheduled for February 26, 2025.
Pikachu & Friends Storytime, Bingo, and Craft
Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, BelchertownPokémon Cross Stitch Demo and Instruction with Jon Rymaz
Clapp Memorial Library 19 South Main Street, Belchertown- No events scheduled for February 28, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 1, 2025.
Week of Events
Pokémon Day
Pokémon Day
All ages are invited to the Clapp Memorial Library on Thursday, February 27th to celebrate Pokémon Day! Did you know the library is a gym on PokémonGo? Challenge a staff member to a battle! Complete a Pokémon word search or crossword puzzle. Bedazzle an Eeveelution keychain. Play Pokémon Bingo! And more! The schedule of events [...]
Pikachu & Friends Storytime, Bingo, and Craft
Pikachu & Friends Storytime, Bingo, and Craft
Part of our Pokemon Day festivities! Join our Head of Children’s Services for a special Pikachu & Friends Storytime, followed by Pokémon Bingo and a Pikachu craft in the library's Activity Room.
Pokémon Cross Stitch Demo and Instruction with Jon Rymaz
Pokémon Cross Stitch Demo and Instruction with Jon Rymaz
Part of our Pokemon day festivities! Learn how to cross stitch a Pokémon or two or more! Rymaz will demonstrate cross stitching and assist others in learning on the main floor of the library. (Open to all patrons old enough to use a needle. Patrons under 10 must be accompanied and continually supervised by a [...]
Diamond-Paint an Eeveelution Keychain
Diamond-Paint an Eeveelution Keychain
Part of our Pokemon Day festivities! Students in grades 6-12 are invited to diamond-paint Eevee or one of its Eeveelutions! Teen Services Coordinator Ruthie Sterling will teach the basics of diamond-painting. All materials will be provided. Space is limited; email clapplibrarytab@gmail.com to register.
Fiber Arts with the Woolies
Fiber Arts with the Woolies
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.