- Events
- Crafts
- No events scheduled for April 20, 2025.
- No events scheduled for April 21, 2025.
- No events scheduled for April 23, 2025.
- No events scheduled for April 25, 2025.
Week of Events
Intro to Nature Photography for Kids at Lake Wallace
Intro to Nature Photography for Kids at Lake Wallace
Learn how to capture beautiful images of nature in these photography workshops. Come for a short presentation and then go outside to explore for hands-on photography. You will gain an understanding of photography fundamentals, and then apply what you've learned. Attend one or both workshops. Registration is required, sign up here: https://forms.gle/wjKvvdZCbqhHRxPh6 Geared towards photographers [...]
Fiber Arts with the Woolies
Fiber Arts with the Woolies
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
Introduction to Basic Photography
Introduction to Basic Photography
Learn how to capture beautiful images of nature in this series of photography workshops. Belchertown’s abundant natural resources offer limitless opportunities for creating amazing photos. Through these workshops, you’ll gain an understanding of photography fundamentals, and then go into the field to apply what you’ve learned. All levels of photographers are welcome, as are all [...]