Anime Club
Virtual MAAnime Club is for students in 6th-8th grade who want to meet to discuss Anime. We are meeting through Zoom every other Wednesday at 5 pm. Register through Beanstack:
Anime Club is for students in 6th-8th grade who want to meet to discuss Anime. We are meeting through Zoom every other Wednesday at 5 pm. Register through Beanstack:
The Clapp Memorial Library's Teen Advisory Board (TAB) will meet virtually on Wednesday, March 24th, from 7:00-8:00PM. The Teen Advisory Board is a group of 7th-12th grade students who propose library programming for teens and provide input on teen services. To receive the link to join the meeting, teens must e-mail [email protected] to register. New [...]
The Library will be closed in observation of Patriot's Day
The Clapp Memorial Presents Aesop's Fable Miniature 3D Puppet Theatre Craft and Zoom Program. Children will create their own theaters, puppets, and practice shows, and share them through Zoom. Mary Jo Maichack, a professional singer and storyteller, will guide you in making the theatre. She will share tips on storytelling and demonstrate one fable puppet [...]
The Library will be closed in observation of Memorial Day
Help us name our Summer Reading mascot! Fill out the form here:
Calling all paleontologists! Take home a kit to learn all about fossils with real scientists. Each kit of materials includes a replica fossil, 5 real fossils that are millions of years old, and a video to guide you through several fun activities. We'll learn about how scientists study fossils, what they can teach us, how they [...]
Our Children's & Teen Summer Reading Programs start today! Sign up and take part at! Adult Summer Reading starts on 6/21, register now on Beanstack and start logging on 6/21!
The Library will be closed in observation of Juneteenth
Whalemobile—interactive virtual programs The Tale of the Tail of the Humpback (9:30 AM, Ages 5-9) There will be a session at 11am for children ages 10-12. All are welcome to join us for a Virtual Whale Watch at 1. Friday, June 18th Cynde McInnis, aka the whale lady, will teach us all about Nile, a [...]