Clapp Critics
Clapp Critics
Our fiction book club, Clapp Critics meets every 4th Monday of the Month. Email with any questions.
Our fiction book club, Clapp Critics meets every 4th Monday of the Month. Email with any questions.
Babytime Story time (3-12 mo) Winter 2024 9:00-9:45 AM, Mondays, Dec 9, 12, Jan 6, 13, 27, Feb 3 & 10 Babytime is for ages 3 – 12 months and begins @ 9:00 AM. Registration is required. Our story times feature age-appropriate stories, songs, finger plays and art activities. Registration and confirmation required, sign up [...]
Monday Firststeps (12-24 months) Winter 2024 10:00-10:45 AM, Mondays, Dec 9, 16, Jan 6, 13, 27, Feb 3 & 10 Firststeps is for ages 12 – 24 months and begins @ 10:00 AM. Registration is required. Our story times feature age-appropriate stories, songs, finger plays and art activities. Registration and confirmation required, sign up here: [...]
Have you ever wanted to take the time to discuss a novel in depth? In this six-session group, we will discuss the Gothic novel, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. The discussion will be introduced and facilitated by retired professor David Spector. After registration is confirmed, participants can pick up a copy of the novel to [...]
PROGRAM & WAITLIST FULL! Thank you for your interest. Do you get the blues as winter drags on? Are you itching for spring and resisting the cold months ahead? Have you been curious about hygge (pronounced HOO-GA), the Danish term for a sense of comfort, contentment, and pleasurable coziness? The Clapp Memorial Library's Ruthie Sterling [...]
A monthly book group for lovers of high fantasy, hard science fiction, fable, far future, and all of the speculative fiction options. We meet online via Google Meet. Upcoming reads: Cascade Failure / LM Sagas (3/25) Ink Blood Sister Scribe / Emma Törzs (4/22) Bindle Punk Bruja / Desideria Mesa (5/27) Persephone Station / Stina [...]
A reception for Valentina Pavlyuk will be held at the Clapp Memorial Library on January 30 from 6-7 PM to celebrate her art exhibit currently on display. Valentina Pavlyuk is a self-taught artist who began painting flowers and landscapes due to her love of gardening and has since expanded to include abstract works. Everyone is [...]
Preschool Story Time (3-6 years) Winter 2024 9:30-10:30 am, Thursdays, Dec 12, 19, Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 & Feb 6 Preschool Story Time is for ages 3-5 and begins @ 9:30 AM. Registration is required. Our story times feature age-appropriate stories, songs, finger plays and art activities. Registration and confirmation required, sign up here: [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
Celebrate Hot Chocolate Day with Cocoa & Papercrafts! January 31st is Hot Chocolate Day! Drop by the Clapp Memorial Library from 2:30-5:30PM for free Hot Chocolate donated by Starbucks. During this time, the library will have a card & scrapbooking station open for patrons of all ages. Paper, glue, scrapbooking materials, and the library’s Ellison [...]
Take Your Child to the Library Day! Saturday February, 1st, 9:30 AM - 2 PM Bring a child in your life to visit the Clapp Memorial Library! Fran Ferry will be performing magic. Special activities and a craft will be available all day. Learn Magic the Gathering from 11 am to Noon. Open play of [...]
Programs are full, waitlist is open. Register to learn about animal ambassadors from The Zoo in Forest Park. Saturday, February 1st for ages 5 to 10. A child can be registered for one of the two time slots; 10:00 am or 11:00 am. Registration is required, sign up here: Children under the age of [...]
Programs are full, waitlist is open. Register to learn about animal ambassadors from The Zoo in Forest Park. Saturday, February 1st for ages 5 to 10. A child can be registered for one of the two time slots; 10:00 am or 11:00 am. Registration is required, sign up here: Children under the age of [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
For the first time, local historian Cliff McCarthy will speak publicly about his mixed-race family, telling the story of his grandfather’s “passing” over the color line, his accomplished family members, and describing how his family’s incredible story illuminates many aspects of African American history and the history of our nation – from Negro League baseball [...]
Strum along with the Ukulele Play Along on the first Monday every month! Grab your ukulele and play along - because playing your ukulele is more fun when you do it with others. We'll be focusing on 3 and 4 chord songs, with lyrics and chords provided on screen. Participants will be muted, so don't [...]
Babytime Story time (3-12 mo) Winter 2024 9:00-9:45 AM, Mondays, Dec 9, 12, Jan 6, 13, 27, Feb 3 & 10 Babytime is for ages 3 – 12 months and begins @ 9:00 AM. Registration is required. Our story times feature age-appropriate stories, songs, finger plays and art activities. Registration and confirmation required, sign up [...]
Have you ever wanted to take the time to discuss a novel in depth? In this six-session group, we will discuss the Gothic novel, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. The discussion will be introduced and facilitated by retired professor David Spector. After registration is confirmed, participants can pick up a copy of the novel to [...]
Tuesday Toddler Time (2 years) Winter 2024 9:30-10:30 am, Tuesdays, Dec 10, 17, Jan 7, 14, 21, 28 & Feb 4 Toddler Storytime is for children aged 2 years, and begins @ 9:30 AM. Registration is required. Our story times feature age-appropriate stories, songs, finger plays and art activities. Registration and confirmation required, sign up [...]
PROGRAM FULL The Clapp Memorial Library hosts a bi-weekly writing group for adults aged 18+. Whether you write romance, mystery, fantasy, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books, or screenplays, you’re welcome to join us! Come meet with other writers and share what you’ve been working on over the past month, work on your writing, and more. If [...]
Preschool Story Time (3-6 years) Winter 2024 9:30-10:30 am, Thursdays, Dec 12, 19, Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 & Feb 6 Preschool Story Time is for ages 3-5 and begins @ 9:30 AM. Registration is required. Our story times feature age-appropriate stories, songs, finger plays and art activities. Registration and confirmation required, sign up here: [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
Calling all writers! The Clapp Memorial Library invites you to learn about getting published and receive feedback on your work from a literary agent! Registration required, program is full. Thank you! Session I: Publishing Tips – Saturday Jan 18, 2pm Gain an insider’s view of book publishing with literary agent Jan Kardys from Black Hawk [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
Babytime Story time (3-12 mo) Winter 2024 9:00-9:45 AM, Mondays, Dec 9, 12, Jan 6, 13, 27, Feb 3 & 10 Babytime is for ages 3 – 12 months and begins @ 9:00 AM. Registration is required. Our story times feature age-appropriate stories, songs, finger plays and art activities. Registration and confirmation required, sign up [...]
Monday Firststeps (12-24 months) Winter 2024 10:00-10:45 AM, Mondays, Dec 9, 16, Jan 6, 13, 27, Feb 3 & 10 Firststeps is for ages 12 – 24 months and begins @ 10:00 AM. Registration is required. Our story times feature age-appropriate stories, songs, finger plays and art activities. Registration and confirmation required, sign up here: [...]
Have you ever wanted to take the time to discuss a novel in depth? In this six-session group, we will discuss the Gothic novel, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. The discussion will be introduced and facilitated by retired professor David Spector. After registration is confirmed, participants can pick up a copy of the novel to [...]
The public is invited to the Clapp Memorial Library on Tuesday, February 11 from 6-7pm for an Art Exhibit Reception for Lori St. Pierre’s Honors Art 1 and Honors Art 2 Classes. The Honors Art 2 class will display self-portraits, and the Honors 1 class will display their animal paintings that integrate fabric patterns. The [...]
It's time to strap on that proton pack and play Ghostbusters: A Frightfully Cheerful Roleplaying Game. For fans of the movies and roleplaying games (such as D&D, Call of Cthulhu, and others). No experience necessary to join in on this zany adventure. Ghostbusters has expanded from it's original team of four, with new hires and [...]
Our Mystery Book Group is held on the second Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss a different mystery novel each month. Email with any questions.
Teens in grades 7-12 are invited to a Teen Crafternoon on Wednesday, February 12th from 5:30-6:30PM in the library’s Activity Room. Attendees will learn the basics of diamond-painting and will create their very own diamond-painted bookmark! All materials and instruction will be provided. Space is limited. Email to register.
NEW DATE - program has been moved to 2/13 at 3PM. More than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside a hospital each year. Learn how to deliver lifesaving CPR care without rescue breaths. When you immediately provide Hands-Only CPR, you can increase the chance of survival. Program will take place in the Town Hall Auditorium. Registration [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
The Clapp Memorial Library’s Teen Advisory Board will meet Friday, February 14th from 4:30-5:30PM in the library’s Activity Room to celebrate Love Your Library Month! TAB will create their own miniature libraries and talk about what they love about the CML. TAB is a group of 7th-12th grade students who meet monthly during the school [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
Have you ever wanted to take the time to discuss a novel in depth? In this six-session group, we will discuss the Gothic novel, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. The discussion will be introduced and facilitated by retired professor David Spector. After registration is confirmed, participants can pick up a copy of the novel to [...]
PROGRAM FULL The Clapp Memorial Library hosts a bi-weekly writing group for adults aged 18+. Whether you write romance, mystery, fantasy, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books, or screenplays, you’re welcome to join us! Come meet with other writers and share what you’ve been working on over the past month, work on your writing, and more. If [...]
All are invited to the The Friends of the Clapp Memorial Library Board Meeting in the Activity Room at 6:30pm. For information email The Friends of Clapp Memorial Library is a volunteer not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising monies to assist the Library beyond the ordinary scope of the Library’s budget to reach its [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
The Clapp Memorial Library is hosting a Teen Trivia Night on Friday, February 21st at 6:00PM. Test your knowledge on a wide range of topics through five differently-themed rounds! The winner will receive a gift certificate to the Friends of the Library Book Sale this Spring. Teens in grades 7-12 can register at the library [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.
Our fiction book club, Clapp Critics meets every 4th Monday of the Month. Email with any questions.
Have you ever wanted to take the time to discuss a novel in depth? In this six-session group, we will discuss the Gothic novel, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. The discussion will be introduced and facilitated by retired professor David Spector. After registration is confirmed, participants can pick up a copy of the novel to [...]
A monthly book group for lovers of high fantasy, hard science fiction, fable, far future, and all of the speculative fiction options. We meet online via Google Meet. Upcoming reads: Cascade Failure / LM Sagas (3/25) Ink Blood Sister Scribe / Emma Törzs (4/22) Bindle Punk Bruja / Desideria Mesa (5/27) Persephone Station / Stina [...]
All ages are invited to the Clapp Memorial Library on Thursday, February 27th to celebrate Pokémon Day! Did you know the library is a gym on PokémonGo? Challenge a staff member to a battle! Complete a Pokémon word search or crossword puzzle. Bedazzle an Eeveelution keychain. Play Pokémon Bingo! And more! The schedule of events [...]
Part of our Pokemon Day festivities! Join our Head of Children’s Services for a special Pikachu & Friends Storytime, followed by Pokémon Bingo and a Pikachu craft in the library's Activity Room.
Part of our Pokemon day festivities! Learn how to cross stitch a Pokémon or two or more! Rymaz will demonstrate cross stitching and assist others in learning on the main floor of the library. (Open to all patrons old enough to use a needle. Patrons under 10 must be accompanied and continually supervised by a [...]
Part of our Pokemon Day festivities! Students in grades 6-12 are invited to diamond-paint Eevee or one of its Eeveelutions! Teen Services Coordinator Ruthie Sterling will teach the basics of diamond-painting. All materials will be provided. Space is limited; email to register.
The program is full. If you'd like more information, please email Marcin. Do you like browsing cookbooks and trying new recipes? In the Cookbook Club, we each make a recipe from a cookbook and bring it for everyone to try. Taste, enjoy and chat with your new cookbook friends!
The Friends of Clapp Memorial Library invite you to come by the Library on March 1st, 7PM to 9PM, when they will be hosting their annual free wine tasting event Light refreshments and nonalcoholic beverages will be available. This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and see your library. You must be 21+ [...]
The Woolies are a local fiber arts group who meet twice a week at the library to socialize and work on their various projects. Whether you're interested in knitting, crocheting, felting, weaving, embroidery, needle point, sewing, or another fiber art, you're welcome to join the fun.